Wednesday, January 19, 2011

a labor of love

So the big news is.... Adoption!

Dear Husband and I want to start our family and we feel that adoption is the way to start for us. So this blog is a way to keep family, friends, and others who are interested in the process, up to date on the adventure of finding our children.

A labor of love is a title from one of the husband's previous post from a different blog and I thought it fit with this new adventure. I won't be laboring in a physical way that some of my friends have or will do soon, but we will be laboring in this process of finding our children. Our labor is a labor of love. We will be filling out forms, going through classes, getting background checked, having our references called and grilled, praying, and hoping that our kids are safe right now and are waiting for us to find them. All of this to choose our kiddos. We choose them because we love them. Sort of like God choosing us because he loved us.

Below are some common questions that have been asked by others in our lives that you might be asking right now.

1. "L and J, where are you adopting from?"
Well good question, we are adopting domestically and we are going through the state of Missouri to start our process. This means that we will be adopting an American born kiddo that may or may not be the same race as us.

2. "Who are you wanting to adopt?"
When we talk about our family the vision in both our heads has been one full of boys. We feel like boys are on our hearts and that we should search for our son/s. We are open to the idea of adopting sibling sets. Sibling sets are the hardest to adopt because most people want to adopt one at a time. We think that it would be awesome if God had a set of brothers that were waiting on us. God has the details we just have ideas.

3. "Why adoption?"
There will probably be many posts about this very question of why adoption. For us we have the luxury of choosing adoption. This isn't a last attempt to create a family. It's not that we can't get pregnant or that we have some physical issue that keeps us from creating our own. For us, it's a choice. It means we choose to love a child. It means we choose to have our family look like this. We choose to take in a child, who has weathered more than you and I, and we choose to raise this child. To love this child. To provide, to encourage, to guide, to spoil, to teach soccer to, to watch them grow, to introduce them to grandmas and Mimi's and aunts and uncles. To bring them into a family that loves them for who they are. To show them support that never ends. Adoption for us is a choice.

So that's our news. Keep checking back to see how our labor of love is going.

That's all for now!


  1. Laura! That is great! I had a feeling that was the big thing coming up for you guys! I am so excited and we will be praying for you guys to find your family. I'm sure there will be many ups and downs along the way, but if there is anyone who can do this, it's you and Jeff. Congratulations! Keep us updated!

  2. Wow, that's great guys! I admire both of you for stepping up in this way. Congratulations!

  3. That is so great you guys! I was wondering when I would be hearing about this. We are super proud of you. We will be praying that you find the perfect little boy(s) for you family. I can't wait to meet them one day! Miss you guys!

  4. This is really awesome! Thanks for posting, I'm looking forward to reading this, and seeing how this process will unfold for you. Congrats!!

  5. How wonderful! What a great choice you two have made! I will enjoy keeping up on your journey to become parents. I am not sure if you know Uncle Bob and I are in the process of adopting a 12 year old boy. Our journey is a bit different in that ours is a child who was in foster care and the foster parent took guardianship of him after his parental rights had been terminated. But this past October his guardian who was an acquaintance of mine past away from Pancreatic Cancer. We are having a tough time trying to get someone to help us with the adoption procedure because the state does not want to take responsibility for him the say "That would be a lot of work" and "the attorney that wrote up the will should just go in to probate and have the judge put it through." But the lawyer says "It is not legal to do it this way and that the state needs to take him in to custody again and put the adoption through......It seems to continue in one big circle.

  6. Love you guys. You will make amazing parents! We'll be praying for you!
