Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meeting Gretchen

Gretchen was the first social worker to enter our house.  She was also the first social worker to be bitten by Abby.  Yup, you read that right. The social worker that was coming to make sure we have a clean, safe, nurturing home was bitten by our dog.  Gretchen was so gracious to us about it.  She told me that she forgot what I had told her on the phone and that it was her own fault. Really, Gretchen, it's not your fault, our dog just has high special needs.  Anyways besides the embarrassing first bite, our meeting with Gretchen went really well.  She asked us why we want to foster to adopt and answered all of our questions.  In a couple of weeks we should be getting training information to start our 9 week parenting class that will hit on some competencies that we should have in order to be the best we can for children in care.

I am so excited. Already God has shown us grace through our encounter with Gretchen. Also, I (Laura) have been taking a trainer's class for the MAPP program (foster parent training class in Kansas) and I have been surrounded for two weeks by people who have done or are doing the same thing of adopting through foster care.  The conversations have been encouraging, truthful, and hopeful.  I feel that God is putting people in our path at the right time.

Gretchen also told us that as soon as our house is licensed and we finish our classes we will be getting calls for placements. She told us that right now there are 140 kids in JACKSON county that are waiting for forever homes.  140 children in our county alone?? That blew my mind to think that there were so many kiddos in Kansas City that were ready to be adopted.  I really hope that someone who reads this blog is encouraged to think about being foster parents.  So many children need the basics and so many parents don't know how to do that.

A cool thing that most states are doing now is a partnership with bio parents instead of a view that all bio parents are bad people. I will write more on that later.
So here we are.  Waiting to start classes and be licensed.

Dear kiddos,
we love you so much. we can't wait to meet you. I know that when you come to our house it will be the worst day of your life. You probably will have been taking out of a familiar place and plunked down in the house full of strangers. You had to leave everything you knew and start over. I am so sorry that we have to meet this way.  Just know that we love you and will give you the space and time you need to feel comfortable and loved.  Love you ~l.

1 comment:

  1. Laura,
    That sounds like something out of a movie. The dog biting the social worker. Kind of funny, but only because it's working out. I'm glad things are moving along for you guys. You're doing an amazing thing!
    Love you!
