Sunday, April 17, 2011

Shopping and more

Our worker told us to start getting a collection of clothes for the kiddos. We headed off to the store to find some cheap outfits to get the kids through the first couple of days while they are with us until we can go shopping to get more outfits.

Shopping for little ones is hard. Add in that we don't know them, their sizes, what they like, what colors they don't like...that's a lot of pressure. We will be able to take children from the age of 0-10 years old. So that's a ton of different sizes and I don't know how big a 5 year old is. We ended up getting some starter outfits from itty bitty baby sizes all the way through outfits that might fit a seven or eight year old.

Looking at the outfits and trying to imagine the little people that will fit into them blows my mind. I can't believe that God is leading us down this path and that later this year there could be a little guy running/crawling/hanging out with us in these little outfits that we picked out today.

When I think about adoption my heart feels good. I konw

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