Sunday, September 4, 2011

Vacation in Portland

We love this city.  Portland has a ton of things to offer to it's residents and guests.  We ate like Gluten Free kings all week.  Our favorites were Sellwood Pizza Kitchen and Pastini Pasteria.  Both had extensive gluten free menus & everything was tasty. 

This trip came right at the 1 year mark for me living sans papa bear and I have learned that no matter how long you have with someone is never long enough and that my dad still influences my day.  Everything he taught me, every little habit he had, certain smells, all of it daily makes me think of him and who he was.  It also makes me want to live to be the daughter he can be proud of.  Portland was great that I was able to celebrate Dad's life in small ways.  For example, we went to a classic car show,  that's totally a dad thing.  I ate steamers at a seafood cafe and the last time I did that was years ago when I was little with Dad. Portland had so many good dads playing in the fountians or on the play ground with their kids it made me remember how my dad always ended up doing kid things with us.  He never grew too old to play or have fun with us.  Jeff and I can't wait to be those parents that take the different ways we were raised and have our own family. 

I am so thankful that I got to talk to my dad about this adoption thing.  I am thankful to know that he was proud. Encouraging. Supportive. 

Can't believe it's been a year already.

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